Welcome to our Genealogy Research Blog

We are glad you are here. In today's busy, stressful world, it is sometimes difficult to make time for all of your important interests - like discovering your ancestry. We are here to help you with this exciting search. Join in the FUN of uncovering your family! You can contact me at rleebo50@aol.com. (Please include "Genealogy Request" in the subject line)

Some of Our Services

We fill your Genealogy/Family History needs, including the creation of databases, individual lookups of Vital Records & Census information, and breaking through those "End-of-Line" people that have been a problem for you. We also manage & clean up databases, VERIFY and SOURCE the contents.

We can provide you with digital (jpg) images for your information located on microfilms. Anything on a microfilm can be made into an electronic digital image. In most cases, these images can be emailed to you for your archives, notes, citations, and for further research. (You can see an example below!)

Pictures and other multimedia can be linked to your family members. These can produce slide shows, scrapbooks, and a record of actual voices. (You can see an example below!)

Some of our Current Projects Are:

  • The Callaway Families, including the Bracken, Wigginton, Smith, McCall, Small and Schenck Families in various locations in the United States
  • The Watkins, Jordan, Dexter and Steele Families in England and Wales
  • The Robert Arnott Wingrove Family in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • The Juchau, Rawlings, Newbold and allied Families in Utah, Idaho and England
  • The McDonough, Holden, Gage and Mackrill Families in Quebec Canada, Iowa, Illinois, Vermont, Ohio and California
  • The Moore, Jahnes, Higginson and Charlton Families in England, Ireland and New York

About Me - Robin Bowman

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We look forward to hearing from you concerning your research or other geneaology requests.